Ph: 02 8964 9487
Northern Beaches, Sydney

Aideen has 20 years experience working with children and families, having worked in areas of addiction, mental health, intergenerational trauma and developmental/early trauma and attachment.
Aideen completed her undergraduate training in Bachelor of Arts, Social Care from Dublin Institute of Technology. She is a qualified Play Therapist through the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG).
Aideen believes that play supports a child to express their feelings and to make sense of their world around them. Additional support can be provided to parents to become more confident and better equipped to support their child.
Aideen is a Parent Child Attachment Play (PCAP) Facilitator and Circle of Security practitioner. Additional training was also completed in Sensory Attachment Integration Training and The Just Right State Programme (JRS). This focuses on developing the capacity for self-regulation, Co-regulation and reflective functioning.
Aideen works with children aged 3-12 years.